Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Ground Rules

Like I've said before, this isn't going to some get ripped quick scheme. So it would probably help to post some ground rules for this endeavor...

The Rules:

1) I'm NOT going to starve myself. - No this does not give me free rein to order the double-double, animal style, the next time I go to In-N-Out. But it also does not mean that I'm going to start counting calories, carbs, or anything else like that. I may try certain diets or nutritional programs as part of my research, but on a day-to-day basis, I'm simply going to watch what I eat in general, without necessarily killing myself over every food decision.

2) I'm going to learn as many different ab exercises as possible. - Pick up any health or fitness magazine and I guarantee you that every month, there is a set of four to eight ab moves that are "guaranteed to show results." Now I have no idea which ones actually work and which ones are fluff. But I'm willing to at least try em out. And as I figure out which ones I like (not to be confused with which ones are easiest), I'll start doing those exercises more often.

3) I'm not going to whine if I don't see results right away - Okay, I might whine to myself. But I defintely won't whine in this blog. Because this is going to be a long hard battle. And who knows, maybe I won't succeed in the end. But it won't be for lack of trying.

4) I'm going to post a new entry to the blog at least once a week - Probably the hardest rule to keep. Heck, sometimes it's easier to bang out 100 crunches than put together 500 quality words into a blog. But I'll try.

5) I'm not going to let any backsliding or mistakes cause me to give up. - Six months is a long time. And inevitably, there are going to be times when I might skip working out or eating right. Ordinarily, that would be the perfect time to let myself just give up on the whole endeavor. But I'm going to do my best to stop that. Instead, I'll post about my failure and see what I can do to prevent it from happening again.

So those are the ground rules. And although new rules and ideas may get added as we continue on, I hope that these 5 rules will stick.

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