Monday, September 14, 2009

Just Crazy Enough to Try Insanity

Last week, my friend told me about a new workout for people who really want to push their limits. It's called Insanity and it was created by Shaun T. At first, I was a bit skeptical, as this is the same guy who created Hip-Hop Abs. Now, don't get me wrong, maybe there's something to the whole dance/workout combo. But the whole idea of hip hop dancing your way to a six-pack seems a bit too gimmicky for my tastes. Nevertheless, I decided to do some research on Insanity and what exactly the program involves.

As far as I can tell, the focus of Insanity is primarily around core, cardio, and plyometric (jump training) workouts. No weights are required so it's perfect for my hotel-hopping consulting lifestyle. There are some ab workouts involved, but it seems like for the most part, the focus is on core and cardio work. The program itself is 2 months long and it is broken up into two 4-week phases with a week recovery between phases. Of course, nutrition is a major component as well, and they provide a nice booklet of recipes and recommended foods. The diet is strict, but not as bad as the first phase of P90X. Without going into specifics, they are recommending a 40/40/20 Protein/Carb/Fat% count. Hard, but manageable.

I'm still not sure how I'm going to balance this in with my my current CrossFit workouts, but I'm going to try it and see how it goes. Stay tuned as I discuss the different workouts.

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