Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Stop the Insanity

So after 9 weeks of pounding my body, I'm finally finished with Insanity. The program was definitely as hard as advertised, and there were definitely days when I wanted to give up. But I stayed consistent in my workouts, not skipping a single day (though I did need to move around 2 rest days due to scheduling issues) for the entire program. And the end result? Well, if I had to give the program a grade, I guess I'd give it a B+. Overall, I think the emphasis on cardio and jumping is definitely great for really pushing your body and hitting those muscles that guys tend to neglect (legs, glutes, quads, calves). And as an admitted "show muscle" workout guy (chest, biceps, back, etc.), this was definitely a change of pace. That's not to say that I haven't seen a change in the show muscles. If anything, I think I look more "cut" than I have ever looked (though still not 100% of the way there) and my triceps are definitely bigger, thanks to the insane number of pushup type movements. However, I definitely don't see the same differences as the "Before/After" guys they show on the website. Admittedly, that may partially be some of my own doing as I didn't follow the diet as strictly as I should have. But I truly killed myself during the workouts, collapsing in a heaving heap of sweat at the end of each day. And in general, I followed the diet fairly closely, only cheating a bit only on the weekends.

Still, I do see some differences since the start of this program. I look leaner overall, and I've definitely got more definition in the abs. And perhaps more importantly, I feel healthier and more energetic on a daily basis. My cardio has improved, and I can run farther without tiring. So perhaps the tangible benefits of Insanity are more on overall physical fitness, rather than getting ripped. Or perhaps the old saw I've been reiterating about diet trumping exercise is even more true when it comes to really getting that lean physique.

Ultimately, I don't regret doing Insanity. As far as DVD workout programs go, this one is definitely up there in terms of intensity and degree of difficulty. If you truly push yourself, you are going to be tired EVERY single time you finish a workout. But on the plus side, this fatigue goes away very quickly and is replaced by a true sense of accomplishment. And even though I may not look exactly like Shaun T., at least I'm fitting into my tighter pants these days. But as far as the quest for the six-pack goes, well, we'll have to continue to seek out that white whale through my next workout program.

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