Monday, November 2, 2009

Insanity and Diet

As I near the home stretch of the Insanity program, I’m left with a few thoughts. First, the workouts truly are insane. Even 7 weeks in, I still dread the workouts, realizing that I’m going to be hurting for a good 30-45 minutes while I’m doing them. However, this is equally counterbalanced by a true sense of accomplishment once I’m done with the daily workout. As ambivalent as I am prior to starting a workout, I know that once I’m done, I always feel energized, rather than dead tired. Don’t get me wrong. Right when Shaun T. tells us we’re done, I collapse in a heap and gasp for breath before starting the cool down stretch. But for a good 30 minutes to an hour afterwards, I truly feel energized; like I accomplished something that day. And really, that feeling basically helps make up for the hour each day that I feel like my body is about to give out.

Another thing that I’ve come to realize as I continue to work through Insanity is a reaffirmation of my long held belief that diet is more important to any workout program than exercise. Sure, exercise will get you most of the way there. And sure, you can’t simply diet or exercise in isolation and expect results. But if I had to estimate the importance of the two, I would say that for most people, results are 75% diet/25% exercise. Sure professional athletes who put in daily 3-hour workouts can attack their steaks drenched in butter with aplomb. But for the rest of us workaday stiffs, simply adding a 30 minute cardio routine to your usual workout is not going to let you get away with stuffing your face with the extra Krispy Kreme doughnut every morning.
I’ve tried to be fairly strict about my diet during the week, when I’m traveling. But on the weekends, I’ve let myself “cheat” a bit. It’s just hard to eating lean turkey and protein shakes every night, especially when you’re living in a foodie mecca like San Francisco. So yes, I will eat out with friends on the weekends. And I probably didn’t need the extra serving of Naan to go with my butter chicken last Friday night (and on that note, I probably didn’t need the butter chicken either). But there’s only so much denial I can take before I go food crazy.

That being said, after 7 weeks of Insanity, I definitely see a difference in terms of overall fitness and the way I look. I’m definitely not going to be on the website for their before and after pictures, but I’m personally very satisfied with my results so far. So as I wrap up the final two weeks of Insanity, I’m optimistic that this grueling workout will have paid off for me. And it will prepare me well for whichever program I try next.

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