Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Insanity Interim

Okay, so the once a week entry thing hasn't quite been working out. But at least I've been sticking with the exercise program. Which, ultimately, is the most important part, right? I've successfully completed month 1 of Insanity and it's been rough going at times. Particularly (of course) sticking with the diet. Full confession: I haven't been sticking with it exactly. Although I try to do my best to keep my calorie count down during the week, and limit my carb intake, I have had to occasional sandwich and, ummm, potato chips.

That being said, the workout portion has been going very well. I think the best part about Insanity is the fact that the workouts (at least during the first month) are relatively short. At most, the full routine, including both warmup and stretching doesn't take longer than 45 minutes. Also, I love the fact that you don't need to trek all the way out to the gym to do it. Everything is cardio or body resistance, which means I can bang out the entire workout in my hotel room without having to drive to a gym.

As far as results go, I have to say they're somewhat mixed at this point. Although my girlfriend swears I look thinner and my family says I look too thin now, I somehow still feel a bit unsatisfied with my gut. I'm guessing that's probably more a function of the chocolate I had this morning rather than the workout program, but still, I guess I was hoping Insanity would let me "cheat" more on the diet portion than other workout programs. However, I remain hopeful as I enter the Insanity "recovery" week. After all, 30 days into P90X, I wasn't all that satisfied with my progress. But by the end, it was all worth it...

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